Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Rockstar Ella!!!

Ella was our rockstar last
 week and we LOVED getting to know her!! She brought her leopard, Freckles to share with us and her favorite Clifford book!! Her favorite color is pink and she loves any books about princesses. Her favorite movie is the Peanuts Movie and she loves playing soccer. Her favorite animal is a kitten and she loves eating mac and cheese. Ella loves listening to Christmas music. When she grows up she wants to be a doctor and if she could go anywhere it would be Disneyworld!!!! She is special because she takes care of people and wants to become a doctor so she can help others. You rock Ella!!!!!


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Rockstar Charlotte

Charlotte was our rockstar a couple weeks ago…I got behind!! So sorry!!! She brought a toy giraffe and her favorite Peppa Pig book. We loved learning all about Charlotte and we are SO thankful for her:) She loves the color purple and her favorite movie is Star Wars ( also a favorite at my houseJ) She likes playing soccer and she loves dogs!!! Her favorite thing to eat is mac and cheese and her favorite song is Lost Boy. When she grows up she wants to be a teacher and if she could go anywhere it would be Florida!! She is special because she loves all animals, even tigers and crocodiles :) We think you rock Charlotte!!!!