Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope you are all having a wonderful day together....even with a winter storm warning!!

I want to take a chance and tell you how thankful I am for all of you. I am thankful for getting the chance to come to school with my 21 wonderful kindergarten kiddos!! They each have unique personalities that are able to bring a smile to my face every day... no matter what mood I am in. They are learning so much and it is hard to believe how far they've come since kindergarten started.

I am thankful for all the help you provide at school. I appreciate all your participation in school events and for helping your kindergarten kiddo with all of the fun homework at home. You are all so great and I thank you for that!!

We spent the last couple days of school discussing the things we were thankful for and I can tell you that the most popular 'thing' was family. They love their families and the time they spend with them.

I am so grateful to be healthy this holiday season and able to spend my time with all of my family. Again, stay safe today and THANK YOU for letting me come to school with each of your children and do the job I LOVE so much!! Enjoy the video we made!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Eddie!

Today we celebrated Eddie's birthday and it was a fabulous time!!! We found Twinkle right away this morning and really enjoyed making a frame for Eddie! We hope you have a great birthday Eddie!! You ROCK!!


Twinkle is HERE!!

We LOVE Eddie!!

Happy Birthday to you!!

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Happy Birthday Brian!!

On Tuesday we celebrated a special birthday!! Mrs. Schroeder completely forgot to post photos after school that day. We had a great time singing and celebrating with Brian!! We hope your birthday rocked!!


Twinkle came to visit!!


Our gift to Brian!!

Birthday fun!!

Happy birthday to you!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Happy Veteran's Day

On Wednesday we celebrated a VERY important day!! We celebrated Veteran's Day!! We discussed sacrifices soldiers make for us and how they risk their lives and spend time away from their families to keep us safe at home. We sang our song a lot and made hand & feet turkey cards to say thanks to veteran's. We also brought in Halloween candy to share with veteran's. We really are so thankful for all the veteran's out there!! Thanks so much!! Enjoy our video!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Rock Star Brian!!

Brian was our rock star this week and it went super fast....especially since he was sick for 2 days!! We still managed to have a ton of fun and learn a lot about Brian. We REALLY loved his toy car that acts like a scorpion and his space book from his nana and papa!! Thanks for being such a rock star Brian!! His favorite color is green and he loves the Hubble Space Book! He loves watching "The Jungle Book" and his favorite sport is soccer. The animal he loves is a bat (I am not personally a fan:)) His favorite song is the bohemian rhapsody and when he grows up he wants to be a oceanographer. If he could go anywhere it would be the desert...although he also mention Hawaii!! He says he is special because he really smart and we would all agree!! Enjoy your video Brian!!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Brave Owl!

Eddie's mom came to read to us today and we loved her owl story!! We even got to sing our "bones" song to her! It was so much fun!!!!! Thanks for coming!!
Great story!!

I love my mom!!

Thank you SO much!!

Moms rock!!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Rockstar Ben!!

Ben was our rockstar this week and we have enjoyed getting to know him!! Ben’s favorite color is red and his favorite book is “Oliver”. The movie he LOVES watching is Star Wars and he loves baseball!! His favorite animal is a lion and he loves to eat spaghetti. He loves singing the song “Lime in the Coconut.” When he grows up he wants to be a policeman. If he could go anywhere it would be Hawaii. He is a special kid because he rides his bike a lot!! We loved seeing Ben’s motorcycle and hearing his story!! You Rock Ben!!