Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fun week!!

We are moving right along in the literacy department! We are starting week 2 of Unit 1 and our essential question is “How do baby animals move?” We will be reading and listening to some great stories called “Pouch”, “Baby Animals on the Move” and we will also read a version of “The Tortoise and the Hare”. For shared reading (in the crabby book) we will read “We Can” and “I Can, We Can” and then during guided reading when your child comes over to me at the rainbow table they will be either reading “Hop!” or “We Hop!” We are really starting to understand our guided reading routine and it is awesome to see how well they are doing with it!
We are also going to be learning the word “we” this week and focusing on the letter “a” and the sound it makes and where we hear the “a” sound in words! We will continue to work on blending sounds together to make words! Our new vocabulary words that we will be learning are: adventure, movement, arrived, exciting, and exhausted.
During writing we will continue to talk more about nouns and will keep finding nouns in sentences. I know it is crazy - nouns!! Your kindergarten will soon be able to tell you that a noun is a person, place, or thing or even an animal if they can’t already! This week is actually a very big week in writing because up until now your child has been telling stories orally and drawing pictures to go with their story – but this week we are going to learn how to label our pictures and use turtle talk to sound out the words we want to write and also how to use our alphabet chart to help us during writing time! I am very excited to see what writing has in store for our classroom this week!
In Math this week we will continue to explore numbers 1-10 with our counting mats and daily math routines and learn how to make that tricky number 5. We will also learn how to dot-to-dots with straight lines to make an object (the tricky part about this is starting at the number 1 and going in counting order).   We will also be practicing drawing groups of numbers and learning more about shapes and how to make them! We are really enjoying learning about 2 and 3 dimensional shapes! I am also so happy to see all of the homework coming back to school – the kids get super excited every time I hand homework out so I am sure hoping the enthusiasm to do homework is still there when your child gets home! A homework routine is a great thing to start in kindergarten when they enjoy it! Even on days when there is not an actual paper homework please utilize the resources you have at home in your child’s kindergarten folder to keep practicing the skills we are working on!
We are continuing to learn more about our American Symbols – we still have a lot to learn about. But this Thursday, Sept. 17th is a super fun day for our country – it is Constitution Day! We will be learning about what the constitution is and why we have it and we will also be making our very own Kindergarten Constitution and I am hoping all of my friends will agree to it and sign it so we can have a successful school year. On this day we will be doing lots of fun crafts and you will be getting home our first family project where you will have the opportunity to create your own Family Constitution – so please look for this on Wednesday! We are really enjoying learning about our country and we are very proud to live here! On Constitution Day again please have your child wear red, white, and/or blue!
Picture Day is Wednesday, Sept. 16th – please turn in your papers if you would like to order pictures!

I hope your child was excited about their kindergarten folder on Friday night – I am hoping this will be a great communication tool that we can use and will help keep important papers organized! Any important note I will be sending home will be in your child’s kindergarten folder and all other important notes from the office and your child’s work will still be put in your child’s Wednesday folder. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns! It is going to be another fun week in kindergarten! 

Sorry this is late!!

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